When a person купить сиалис в украине decides to step outside the current medical paradigm and seek different treatment options, he is confronted with a number of terms whose meaning may be confusing. Is natural medicine different from alternative medicine? What is allopathic medicine compared to conventional medicine? What is complimentary medicine and how does it fit into this mix? Here are some definitions that will hopefully clear up some of the confusion.
Conventional Medicine: Sometimes used interchangeably with traditional medicine. This is medicine that is endorsed by and practiced by the current medical establishment. Conventional medical practices may differ from country to country, depending on the rules, regulations, and culture of the particular country. In the U.S. think “AMA.”
Allopathic Medicine: Within conventional medicine as practiced today, this is the predominant philosophy. It describes any treatment that is intended to treat or control symptoms.
Natural Medicine: This philosophy emphasizes supporting the healing powers of the body rather than just treating the symptoms of a disease. It involves getting at the root cause of a disease and making lifestyle choices about foods, herbs, and treatments that help us achieve optimum health. Examples of natural medicine include homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy, hydrotherapy, massage therapy, and nutritional and lifestyle choices.
Alternative Medicine: Often used interchangeably with natural medicine. Basically, it encompasses any healing practice that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine or is not widely accepted by conventional medicine and is not taught in conventional medical schools. What is or is not alternative can change as the conventional medical establishment changes what it finds acceptable.
For example, it wasn’t too many years ago that colloidal silver and some herbs were considered conventional medicines and radiation treatment was considered an alternative therapy. Complementary Medicine: This is treatment that is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment but complement or augment it. Like alternative medicine, what is considered complementary can change as the medical establishment changes what it finds acceptable.